Frequently Asked Questions


Do you ship internationally?

Yes! We ship worldwide but if your country is not listed, please get in contact.

What shipping couriers do you use?

We use Royal Mail for all our orders.

What are your estimated delivery times?

Once your order has been packed and posted customers in the U.K can expect to receive their order in 2 to 4 working days.


What payment methods can I use?

We accept all the major credit and debit cards and also Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay and PayPal.

Can I change my order?

Please contact us and if your order hasn’t been shipped yet, we will happily amend your order.

Can I cancel my order?

If your order hasn’t been shipped yet we will happily cancel your order and you’ll get a full refund. However, if it has been shipped you will need to follow our return process.

Do you accept returns/refunds?

Yes we do! Please read and follow the instructions on our refunds policy page found on the footer of the website.

Product Information

What size do your watch straps come in?

The main sizes we currently offer are 20mm and 22mm. However, please get in contact if you need another size and we will do our best to get the size you need.

What material are your straps made from?

All our straps are made from rubber finished with a nylon stitching.


How can I contact you?

We have multiple ways to contact us, the best method would be to use our chat system built into the website. However, please feel free to email us using the contact page on the website.